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P5 is having a successful show at ISE 2016


P5 is 20 years old. Experience the expertise.

P5 will be exhibiting at ISE 2016 held in Amsterdam on 9-12 February 2016.

P5 FutureNow modules are sold in more than 40 countries.

We will be exhibiting as P5 UK at the Essential Install Live Show on June 9-10, Come and visit us at our stand No. 20.


RTI drivers for Ethernet modules available for download

The new 12 channel LED dimmer is ready to ship. It debuts at ISE 2015.

With the latest firmware the Ethernet FutureNow modules are able to store up to 9 preset scenes that can be recalled via TCP commands.

The scenes can also be triggered from any input on any module on the local network.

We would like to thank all our customers for doing business with us this year and wish you all a great holiday season and a Happy New Year!


ISE 2015 is here.

If you plan to attend, come by and see us at booth #12C83.

The show is held in Amsterdam on 10-12 February 2015.

The latest firmware of the FutureNow Ethernet dimmer and relay modules support standard (maintained) switches on the inputs. Now you don't even have to bother finding momentary switches for your installations. Besides, people that are used to conventional light switches will not need to get used to momentary switches when switching to an automated home. If dimming is not needed (holding and letting go of a maintained switch is not possible) just select "switch" input mode and use any standard switch.

P5 will be exhibiting at ISE 2014 held in Amsterdam 4-6 February 2014. Our booth number will be 7-N225, Hall 7.

FutureNow Home Control iOS App is available for download from the App Store.

Convert your home into a smart home in the easiest way ever. All you need is one or more of the Ethernet FutureNow modules and our free iOS app. No controller, no programming, no hassle. You can add a controller and upgrade to a full-featured home automation system anytime later. FutureNow Home Control app is available for download from the Apple App Store.